Getting to Grips with Your Digital Camera – Part 2
Aimed at helping new members to the club who want to know all the basics of their cameras and how to use them.
This workshop builds on Part 1 by revising and expanding the creative use of the camera (shutter speed, apertures, ISO and focus) to achieve different types of shot and how to understand how light is perceived by the camera and how the photographer can take advantage of this.
If you missed Part 1 then note that all the information from that will be reprised at the start of this workshop.
Booking for all workshops
For members booking is via Eventbrite and the link will be published in the weekly Snapshots newsletter at least two weeks in advance. A small charge is made to cover hall hire and other costs.
If you are not a BRCC member then please use the Contact Us form to apply for a seat at this workshop.