Workshop: ICM in the garden with Roger Crocombe
Bookings via Eventbrite will open two weeks in advance of the workshop date.
Workshop: Abstract Photography Techniques with Roger Crocombe
Workshop: Capturing flowers for post processing with Celia Henderson & Jacqui Dracup
We will meet outside, in the gardens – Celia and Jacqui will show various techniques they use in their flower photography. Here’s the meetup guide. If you use the ‘what three words’ app then this is the location – rotate.gossip.linen. Examples will include: Shooting through ICM Backgrounds Botanical representation The challenge of red flowers And […]
Workshop: The Basics of Composition with Stephen Ormrod
Workshop: The Art of Woodland Photography with Roger Crocombe
This face to face workshop is aimed at club members who want to try their hand at the art of woodland photography. Based at Eartham Woods, just north of Chichester, the mixture of Beech and Spruce should provide plenty of scope for colourful scenes. Roger Crocombe will show how to make sense of the various […]
Workshop: Basic post processing with Roger Crocombe
Workshop: Advanced camera capabilities explained with Tony Lord
To book:
Workshop: Photographing Cut Flowers with Jacqui Dracup
The first practical demonstration and have a go yourselves workshop in the small hall this season. Jacqui Dracup will give a short demonstration, she will provide backgrounds and flowers, both fresh and dried, together with a few props to guide you through arranging and photographing your own creation. You are welcome to bring some favourites […]
Workshop: Black and White (digital) Photography with Bill Brooks
Workshop: Printing in Lightroom with Roger Crocombe
This face to face workshop at St Mary’s small hall can help you get the most out of your photographic printer with hints and tips on papers, profiles, print templates and common errors. Now the club is moving back to a more normal environment, you may be thinking of getting back to printing for the […]