Keynote Speaker Jan 2024

Bognor Regis Camera Club is proud to present on Tuesday 9th January 2024

Ken Scott

for his talk: Summits and Secrets

Ken is a photographer, adventurer, speaker and coach from West Sussex, England. He is an Associate
of the RPS and an experienced camera club judge. Ken also leads appraisal training for the Southern
Counties Photographic Federation.

Ken describes his talk: “My photography grew up in the mountains where, for thirty years or so I simply
went for walks –sometimes very long walks – and climbs with a camera. None of my photographs
was preconceived; each was made in the moment, as a direct response to light and to the mountain
experience. I took this approach on all our travels, not exotic but intimate, personal journeys to places
that are very special in our hearts. This presentation is a celebration of my experiences with a camera
over a lifetime, with a few people most special to me, using photography to paint an authentic picture
of who we are and to tell the stories of Summits and Secrets.”

St.Mary’s Centre, Grassmere Close, Felpham. PO22 7NU
Non-members welcome (£5)
7.15 for a 7.30 start